
The portfolio includes my complete Program of Study with course descriptions, a list of my competencies and a page for each associated artifact, my resume and curriculum vitae, and a reflection on the Educational Technology degree program.

In addition, navigation in the footer provides access to publications, research, and an interactive gallery containing additional samples of my work and works-in-progress.

About Me

With language partner, Teresa, at graduation

Interdisciplinary research as an undergraduate at the University of Missouri led me to a strong interest in creating mobile and web applications for educational use. For constructing knowledge of how to design and develop digital, interactive learning materials, an online degree program that challenges me to learn that way myself has turned out to be a great place to start.

I now work as an instructional design specialist in the Office of Medical Education at Mizzou, collaborating with a team of instructional designers and programmers to develop processes and create web applications that improve the work of the School of Medicine. At the OME, I have had the chance to participate in research, assist with exam week processes, conduct needs assessments, draw mockups and present the design to stakeholders, write a functional requirements document and see applications through the full design and development cycle.

Additional career goals include:

--Kaitlyn Dryer