Raising Fish
Fish in an aquaponics system can be as complicated a factor as you want them to be. At its most basic, your aquaponics system just needs a few goldfish to function. Yet the filtration provided by your plants and the oxygenation provided by your bell siphon are enough to support pickier tropical species if you're willing to invest in a heater. Almost any freshwater fish can thrive in an aquaponics system. Many aquaponics gardeners raise tilapia and other fish to eat!
Just be careful not to overcrowd your tank. Use this species lists with the flash tool below to estimate the tank size you will need based on your desired fish. Fish "size" differs from length for fatter fish, as we go by square inches of fish. Tropical fish will require a small heater to keep the tank around 78 degrees, while pond species do not.
Pond Species
- Goldfish--Adult Length: 4 in, Adult Size: 8 in, Lifespan: Up to 20 years
- Koi--Adult Length: 13 in, Adult Size: 250 in, Lifespan: Up to 200 years! Usually 25-35
Tropical Species
- Tilapia--Adult Length: 12 in, Adult Size: 150 in, Lifespan: 10-20 years, Full grown after 4-5 months
- Corydora--Adult Length: 3 in, Adult Size: 3 in, Lifespan: 5 years
- Platy--Adult Length: 3 in, Adult Size: 5 in, Lifespan: 2-3 years
- Swordtail--Adult Length: 5 in, Adult Size: 6 in, Lifespan: 3-5 years