SALU Information

First Time User

Creating an Account

Joining an Existing Account

Administrator Role

Adding Members

Granting Permissions

Revoking Permissions

Creating Additional Accounts

First Time User

There are two ways to sign up with SALU for the first time. You can sign up to create your own family account or you can sign up to join an existing family account. See the following sections to learn about both methods.

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Creating an Account

If you would like to create a family account you will first need to sign up with an email address. The email address that is used to create the account will be designated as the administrator of the account. The administrator will have full access to all aspects of the account and will be able to add and edit other members. To create an administrator account:

  1. Enter a valid email address
  2. Create a password that is at least 6 characters
  3. Click Sign Up

Once you are on the Create Account page you will need to reenter your email address and password. Then click Create Account

When your account has been created you will receive verification on the next page. From this page you may return to the home page to login or create another account with a new email address. When you log in for the first time you will be taken to the Family Accounts page. The first thing you will need to do on this page is give your account a name, such as your last name. Also on this page you can add family members, edit members and grant or revoke access for individuals. If you prefer not to add members at this time you can return and do that later.

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Joining an Existing Account

To join an existing account you will first need to sign up for an account. Follow these steps for signing up for an account:

  1. Enter a valid email address
  2. Create a password that is at least 6 characters
  3. Click Sign Up

Once you are on the Create Account page you will need to reenter your email address and password. Then click Create Account

When your account has been created you will receive verification on the next page. From this page you may return to the home page to log in or create another account with a new email address.

You will not be able to view or edit in the existing account until the administrator adds your email address to that account. You can log in on the home page and you will be taken to a page with a link to request access. In order to request access you will need to know the account administrator email address. Once you click Request Permission you will be taken to a page to enter the administrator email. Enter the email address in the appropriate box. You will need to enter a message and your email address in the message box so that the administrator knows who is requesting access. For example, "Hi Mrs. Mizzou. This is your babysitter Katie." After you have entered the administrator email address and your message, click Send Email.

After the administrator has added your privileges to the account you will see the account name in your list of accounts when you log in. You may then click on that account to view or edit, depending on the privileges the administrator granted you. At any time you may create your own family account with the same email address. Simply click Create New Family Account after you have logged into the app.

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Administrator Role

The email address that is used to create the initial account is the administrator for that account. The administrator account is the only account that can add new members, edit the account, grant access to other members and revoke access. An administrator can request access to other accounts for view or edit privileges for individual members, just as individuals can request access to the administrator's members.

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Adding Members

Members must be added to an account by the administrator. Follow these steps for adding members to an account:

  1. On the Family Accounts page click on the account to which you would like to add a member.
  2. On the next page click on Edit Account.
  3. On the Edit page, click Add Member
  4. When the pop up appears, enter the member name and click Save.
At any time a member may be edited or removed from an account by clicking on Edit next to the member's name on the Edit Family Account page.

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Granting Permissions

The administrator can allow viewing and editing permissions to other individuals. The individual must first sign up for an account by the method outlined above under Joining an Existing Account. If the individual has not signed up for an account yet, the administrator will get a warning message that the user does not have an account, and the opportunity to send the user an email invite. After the user has created an account the administrator can grant them privileges on the Edit Family Account page. Click on Grant Access. When the pop up appears enter the email address of the individual to whom you would like to grant access. Click the check box next to each of the members for which you would like to grant them access. Under Select Permission indicate whether they have editing or viewing permission by clicking on the button. If you would like to grant the user the same permission for more than one member you may do so now. Click Save when finished. If you would like to grant the user viewing permission for some members and editing for other members, you will need to do the process in two separate steps. Once the user has signed up for an account, the new account will appear in their list of Family Accounts.

After a user has been granted permission, a collapsible box will appear below Current Permissions. Click on the plus sign to see who has been granted access to the member listed. At any time the administrator can change the privileges from Edit to View and vice versa in this collapsible box.

Click on Save Permissions once all permissions have been entered.

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Revoking Permissions

The administrator can revoke permissions at any time. On the Edit Family Account page, click on Revoke Access. When the pop up appears click on the email address that you wish to revoke by clicking on the drop down arrow under Select User. Click Remove.

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Creating Additional Accounts

Any member can create additional accounts after they log in. Simply click on Create New Account on the Family Accounts page.

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