Program of Study

Course Number Course Name Professor Credit Hours Semester
Core Courses (6 credit hours)
9474 Needs Assessment for Learning and Performance Rose Marra 3 Fall 2012

Conduct a performance analysis to determine the causes of performance problems. Analyze learning and performance needs and opportunities using a systemic framework and associated strategies and techniques. Develop needs assessment instruments, collect data, and prepare recommendations for improvement. Grade: A

9455 Formative and Summative Evaluation Julie Caplow 3 Spring 2014

Study the process of gathering data and making judgments about the effectiveness of instructional programs that use technology. Utilize techniques of a formative evaluation process to revise instruction. Plan and conduct a portion of a summative evaluation of an instructional program. Grade: A

Design Courses (12 credit hours)
9469 Designing Electronic Performance Support Systems Jim Laffey 3 Spring 2013

Performance support systems (PSS) are technology systems that support human activity within the complexities of organizational requirements and processes. Explore the conceptual frameworks and rationale for PSS, gain knowledge about the technologies, approaches and community of PSS, and build competency for the procedures and processes of designing PSS. Create software designs including design specifications, scenarios and visual prototypes that provide performance support. Grade: A

9471 Instructional Systems Design Gail Fitzgerald 3 Spring 2013

Whether you work for a multi-national corporation, health center, or a local school district, the ISD approach produces quality-training programs and learning systems. Experience a hands-on introduction to instructional systems design. Create a learning system for a specific audience. Analyze learner needs and tasks, articulate learning goals and objectives, develop tools for assessing completion of those objectives, and develop teaching sequences, strategies, and materials to help learners achieve those goals. The major design project must focus on adult learners teaching about or with technology. Grade: A+

9456 Designing Computer Support for Collaborative Learning Jim Laffey 3 Summer 2013

Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) is an area of learning technologies that uses networked systems to support social learning. Explore the conceptual base and system implementations of CSCL. Learn how to design for learning that is both collaborative and computer-mediated. Examine theoretical bases for using collaboration and social interaction as methods for learning, and explore key functions and approaches for using computers for collaborative learning. Build an understanding of the foundations and applications of computer supported collaborative learning through the use of readings, examples, activities, and discussions. Experience working as active and contributing members of an online class and knowledge-building community through participation in a project and online debate. Grade: A

9461 Interaction Design Joi Moore 3 Fall 2013

Interaction Design is a discipline concerned with the design, evaluation, and implementation of interventions for technology-based or physical tools. Build an understanding of the basic competencies, processes, and principles of interface and interaction design. Explore the application of interface and interaction design in emerging technologies (primarily the Internet) to support learning and performance. Learn the basic concepts of interaction design; then focus on usability engineering and prototyping principles to support the design process for learning and performance-based technologies. Grade: A+

Development Courses (9 credit hours)
7364 Flash Authoring Joi Moore 3 Fall 2012

Plan, develop, and evaluate a multimedia project using digital authoring software (Macromedia Flash). Perform the multimedia design cycle, from creating storyboards to conducting formative evaluation, and develop a thorough understanding of Flash. Build an understanding of vector images, animation, sound, and ActionScript. The course is production-based and emphasizes instructional design and user interface issues. Grade: A+

7370 Intermediate Web Development Christiana Kumalasari 3 Fall 2012

Gain an understanding of advanced web design and development skills. Explore Dreamweaver. Create image maps and fluid and fixed layouts. Become proficient in coding web pages using advanced HTML techniques, JavaScript interactivity, and enhanced page design capabilities through Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). Grade: A

7310 Seminar in ISLT - Mobile Apps Development Hui-Hsien Tsai 3 Spring 2014

Build knowledge for creating a mobile app with basic functions using HTML5, Javascript, and CSS3. Carry a project through the complete design cycle, including design and development phases. Produce a mobile app that can be locally operated via a mobile device. Grade: A

Internship Courses (6 credit hours)
9480 Internship in ISLT Jim Laffey 3 Fall 2013

Gain internship experience and advanced levels of practical experience in information science and learning technologies research and teaching. Working on an instructional design team in the Offices of Medical Education, participate in the design phase of web application development, interact daily with faculty and office staff, and take on the challenges of exam preparation. Grade: Satisfactory

ESC_PS 8830 Quantitative Analysis in Educational Research I Ze Wang 3 Spring 2014

This is the first course in the sequence of statistical analysis methods. Build knowledge of statistical inference, simple regression, multiple regression, regression assumptions, regression with categorical predictors, model selection methods polynomial regression, and model validation. Grade: A