
Each project is displayed in a frame within its artifact page below so that you can interact with it fully. Hide the artifact using the Show/Hide button in the top right hand corner in order to view the page as text-only.

Each page includes an executive summary, description, and reflection, as well as a PDF (in most cases quite lengthy) compiled from documents such as the project plan, storyboards, and usability testing results. In addition, the New Student's Technology Wizard artifact page includes a Systematic Evaluation section focused specifically on the evaluation process and results. Use the Previous/Next arrows at the bottom of each artifact page to navigate between artifacts. Or, return to the Competencies page to select a new artifact there.

Artifact Course
PDF Needs Assessment for Earthright (Marketing Division of Campus Dining Services) Needs Assessment for Learning and Performance
PDF Exam Management Depot (ExamMD) Task List Internship in ISLT
Design Plan Instructional Design for Ankle Rehabilitation Instructional Systems Design
Prototype Operating Room Performance Support System Designing Performance Support Systems
Flash Tutorial Building a Bell Siphon Tutorial Flash Authoring
Website Aquaponics System Design Website Intermediate Web Development
Prototype New Student's Technology Wizard Interaction Design